24 August 2012

Best. Baby. Ever!

Long time, no blog! I have missed sharing the most difficult and wonderful moments of my life with yall, and so I am back again.

My little Naomi is truly the best baby I have ever experienced.

Of course she woke up every 3-4 hours and wanted to eat non-stop for the first 6 weeks, because she is still a baby, after all.  But she started sleeping longer and longer at night, until, at 3 months, she started sleeping 8-10 hours at night about 90% of the time!

Initially, her feeding skills were challenged, to say the least. She fell asleep about 3 minutes into each meal, which resulted in poor weight gain and drama with her pediatrician. It also meant a 20 minute pumping session every couple of hours, ugh! Now, with some maturity (and a new pediatrician), we are still exclusively breastfeeding. And while her weight gain has been slow, her development is perfect, and she is alert, content, and super smiley!

She is also just plain pleasant. She smiles, laughs randomly, and loves to watch activity. She especially loves to watch her sister! Abigail is the best entertainment for Naomi, and Abi enjoys making her sister laugh and smile too.

I am delighted to be sharing my life with my husband and these two little girls!

And, Naomi is such a good baby, we're ready for another!

1 comment:

  1. What a precious family. Thanks for the great report!
